Improve Production in Clean Booths
Dry, clean, laminar air exiting HEPA filters has the ability to charge virtually all surfaces within the clean booth. These charged surfaces can cause damage or interference to sensitive electronic equipment or components, as well as result in electrostatic attraction, leading to contamination issues.
High volumes of dry, clean, laminar air exiting HEPA filters often carry static charges within the air stream. This gives it the ability to charge virtually all surfaces within the critical environment.
These electrostatically charged surfaces can cause damage or interference to sensitive electronic equipment or components, as well as result in electrostatic attraction, leading to contamination issues.
Improve Production in Clean Booths - Select a problem:
Long range 3850 Ionstorm or 3024L Static Eliminators positioned between ceiling-mounted HEPA filters, or along the centre of the filter face, will neutralise the laminar-flow air in the critical environment.
How can we help?
Fraser provides fast, efficient and knowledgeable support. For technical advice or to discuss a custom solution for your application, please get in touch.
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