Static electricity in cleanrooms can significantly disrupt processes. Static can attract airborne dust and contamination. It can also permanently damage sensitive electronics and prevent samples being weighed accurately.
Once used mainly for electronics and medical applications, cleanrooms are increasingly used in many areas of plastics processing. These include injection moulding, extrusion, converting and assembly. Static control is vital in all of these areas. Fraser has a full range of static control equipment which has been tested and certified for these environments.
Industry Applications
Ionisation to Improve Cleanroom Air Showers
Air lock chambers to cleanrooms can have air jets for removal of contaminants. The addition of ionisation to these air showers makes the cleaning process more efficient.
Find out moreStatic Control for Cleanroom Injection Moulding
Static electricity causes unique problems for injection mouldings which have a high surface-to-weight ratio. These include hollow, thin-walled mouldings like disposable syringes and other medical products.
Find out moreStatic Removal in a Horizontal Flow Hood
A horizontal flow cleanbench hood or bench is generally used where the operator places their head inside the hood, often to use a microscope. Filtered airflow through the hood generates problematic static charges, especially within the immediate environment of the operator.
Find out moreStatic Removal in a Vertical Flow Cleanbench
The continuous flow of clean, dry, filtered air through the vertical flow hood generates static charges on everything contained within the critical environment. Transfer of clean but charged components from the hood area will promote the attraction of airborne contaminants present within the host cleanroom.
Find out moreImprove Production in Clean Booths
Dry, clean, laminar air exiting HEPA filters has the ability to charge virtually all surfaces within the clean booth. These charged surfaces can cause damage or interference to sensitive electronic equipment or components, as well as result in electrostatic attraction, leading to contamination issues.
Find out moreNeutralising Offwinds and Onwinds
Offwinds or onwinds within cleanrooms can generate static charges on the surface of the webs being processed. These charges will often lead to material misbehaviour as well as the attraction of contaminants.
Find out moreStatic Removal After Cleaning
Open containers on a conveyor in a cleanroom may hold static charges that were generated by the cleaning process. Charges generated by such post-cleaning operations can attract contaminants both internally and externally, or even repel fills.
Find out moreKnowledge Centre
We understand the electrostatic challenges that new materials, faster speeds, complex machinery and advances in industrial processes can present. This resource provides easy access to product brochures, information on static electricity and how it can be measured, removed or generated in specific applications.